
Safety is the primary concern of WSC Management and MUST be the primary concern of every member while using club facilities.

In addition to the video below, summarized rules are posted in the range and lounge. Complete rules are listed below. Members are responsible for knowing and complying with all rules. If you have a question or if you observe a rules violation, please let us know. You can include your name or submit anonymously. Please provide the date, exact time, and location of the observed violation and we will investigate.

Members are reminded of the three fundamental rules of safe gun handling:

  1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
  2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
  3. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

Range Rules

  1. All members that use the range must take a range orientation class and be familiar with the club rules, range rules and safety rules.  This class is normally conducted as part of the membership joining process.  Members are responsible for the actions and supervising their guests while in the range.
  2. All guests must read the range and safety rules before entering the range. By entering the facility, a guest is acknowledging and agreeing with the terms and conditions of using the facility and release the Weston Shooters Club, LLC, its officers, and officials, from any and all claims for liability and damages that may be sustained by virtue of participation in, or any activities while on the property and surrounding area.
  3. Eye and ear protection: All members, guests, and spectators while in the range must use eye and ear protection. Extra eye and ear protection is available in the lounge.
  4. Food and drink: Alcohol, eating, drinking, and smoking is prohibited in the range.
  5. Targets: Only paper or cardboard targets are allowed. Targets must be attached to the target holders. No metal, exploding, or other targets are allowed. Target may be placed at any distance from the shooter as long as all rounds hit the backstop.
  6. Ammunition: Pistol or revolver calibers only. No rifle cartridges, incendiary, tracer, or armor-piercing ammunition is to be used at any time.
  7. Handguns: Any pistol or revolver chambered in a pistol or revolver caliber is allowed.
  8. Rifles: Only rifles chambered for pistol or revolver calibers (22LR, 9mm, 45 ACP) are allowed. All other caliber rifles are prohibited.
  9. Shotguns: No shotguns of any type are allowed.
  10. Full auto machine guns: Members seeking to fire machine guns must have a MA license to possess a machine gun. They also must meet with the Chief Range Officer to receive approval. The CRO will assess whether the member has the requisite skill to safely shoot the machine gun, after which approval may be granted at the discretion of the Board. Machine gun use shall not be disruptive to other members using the range.
  11. Loading and unloading: All firearm handling must be done on the range in the shooting stall facing down range. All loading of firearms MUST take place in the shooting stall. No firearm handling is permitted behind the red line.  To avoid handling firearms behind the red line, please bring your shooting bag into the stall, unload your guns, and then place it on the floor/bench/etc.  When packing up, please bring the bag to the stall, not the gun to the bag.
  12. Range activities: Standard stationary target shooting (slow, timed, and rapid fire) with only one loaded firearm at a time and all shots must strike the backstop. All other firearms in the stall must be unloaded and with actions open. Fire only on the target in your lane – no cross-target shooting. Drawing from the holster or combat action shooting is only allowed on station #1 (with the gate open) for those members who have demonstrated skill and have received approval by any WSC Range Officer.
  13. Shooting in front of the stalls: No person is allowed forward of the firing line in the range, except for training and under the direct supervision of a WSC Range Officer or Firearms Instructor.
  14. Cease Fire: A cease fire is in effect when the red safety lights in the range are flashing. If anyone observes an unsafe situation, he/she should immediately call a cease fire. When a cease fire occurs, immediately stop shooting, apply the safety, place your firearm on the bench with muzzle pointed down range, step back behind the red line, and wait for further instructions. Do not handle any firearm or ammunition during a cease fire.
  15. Forward of the firing line: If for any reason a shooter needs to go forward of the firing line, he/she shall call for a cease fire, check and make sure all firearms are placed down and are unloaded with the actions open. Once the shooter returns to the firing line, he/she shall indicate the range to be “all clear”.
  16. Malfunctions: In the event of a malfunction or if you can not clear a firearm, place the firearm on the table facing down range and seek assistance from a fellow member or Range Officer.  There is a tabletop safe in the range in case you are unable to clear a firearm and remove it safely from the range.  Please coordinate safety with other members in the area if you need to bring a firearm to this safe.  Lock the key in the safe and advise management for further assistance.
  17. Range officers: All WSC Range Officers have the authority to inspect all firearms and ammunition and observe all members using the range and ensure that safe conditions prevail, that all range commands are obeyed, and that all range and safety rules are followed.
  18. Leaving the range: Before leaving the range sweep up all your brass, police your area, and gather all your belongings. If you participated in shooting, be sure to wash your hands and face with cold, soapy water before eating or drinking.

Club Rules

The purpose of the Weston Shooters Club, LLC (WSC) is to provide a safe, clean, professional environment for its members and guests to participate in the sport of target shooting and firearms education. We will make every attempt to minimize, or otherwise eliminate, the risk of injury to shooters, guests, observers, and neighbors.

Participating in the sport of shooting can, and must be, safe for all of our members, guests, friends, and neighbors.

The following rules, approved by the Weston Shooters Club Executive Committee, shall supersede all previously published editions of any WSC or Range rules.

One of the principal ideas leading to the founding of WSC was to create a safe, friendly atmosphere to enjoy the shooting sports. Our goal is to create a safe, relaxed shooting environment, subject to sensible limits that will ensure safety and prevent damage to the facility. We also want to create an environment where members are comfortable and feel like they can ask questions without feeling embarrassed or intimidated.
The owners of the Weston Shooters Club shall have the final say regarding all rules, regulations, by-laws, decisions, or any matters pertaining to the membership and operation of the WSC and reserve the right to make any changes or amendments as they may deem appropriate.

These rules may be updated at any time. The current rules will be posted in the lounge and will be available on the WSC website. Members and their guests are responsible for knowing and abiding by these rules at all times while on WSC property. Members acknowledge that use of the WSC facility constitutes an agreement to abide by the rules.

Safety must always be exhibited to oneself, guests, and others. All members and guests are responsible for reading posted signs and adhering to them. The rules of firearms safety, which must be adhered to, include:

  1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
  2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot
  3. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use
  4. Keep the action open and the gun unloaded until ready to use.
  5. Always know how your firearm operates and that it is safe to fire.
  6. Be sure your firearm and ammunition are compatible and permitted on the range.
  7. Follow all range rules.

All members are required to take a mandatory range orientation class by one of the WSC Range Officers. The class is approximately 20-30 minutes long and will explain and go over all of the club rules, range rules, and safety rules.  This class is normally conducted as part of the membership joining process.

All firearms transported to and from the club must be in a safe and unloaded condition, except for concealed carry. Absolutely no handling of firearms is allowed in the lounge area. Firearms may only be removed from a holster or case on the firing line. Unloaded firearms are permitted in the locker room and conference room.

When in the range, no firearm handling is permitted outside of the firing stall.  To avoid handling firearms behind the red line, please bring your shooting bag into the stall, unload your guns, then place it on the floor/bench/etc.  When packing up, please bring the bag to the stall, not the gun to the bag.

There is a tabletop safe in the range in case you are unable to clear a firearm and remove it safely from the range.  Please coordinate safety with other members in the area if you need to bring a firearm to this safe.  Lock the key in the safe and advise management for further assistance.

No firearms are allowed in your possession while consuming alcohol. Firearms must be secured in your locker or vehicle prior to consuming alcohol. Alcohol is not permitted on the range. Any person having consumed alcohol will not be permitted to shoot on the range for eight hours following their last drink. Cigar smoking is permitted in the lounge provided it does not interfere with other members’ enjoyment of the facility. Cigarette smoking is NOT permitted in the club.

While socializing at the club, members and their guests must act reasonably and responsibly. Public intoxication is not permitted, and no person who appears intoxicated may consume additional alcohol.

The Executive Committee and the WSC’s owners will approve a WSC Chief Range Officer. The WSC Chief Range Officer will interview members who wish to become a WSC Range officer and recommend their approval to the Executive Committee. Once approved, the WSC Chief Range Officer will train the approved Range Officers.

WSC Range Officers have the authority to inspect all firearms and ammunition and observe all members and their guests using the range and ensure that safe conditions prevail, that all range commands are obeyed and that all range and safety rules are followed. If a WSC Range Officer observes any member or guest in violation of any of the range and safety rules he/she will inform and correct said person of the violation and if necessary may order that person to leave the range.

WSC Range Officers are required to report any violations of rules and/or safety to the WSC Chief Range Officer. The WSC Chief Range Officer will then report the incident to the WSC’s Executive Committee for recommended action.

No member observing a rule infraction is allowed to let it go uncorrected. If you witness a violation you must report it to the WSC Range Officers.

WSC Range Officers will periodically and randomly observe persons in the range and at least one WSC Range Officer must be present during any organized or competition shoot.

To contact WSC management or a range officer, please visit our contact page.

A member may bring guests to use the facility, however no more than two may be on the firing line at a time and under the supervision of the member. If a guest is not licensed to carry a firearm then the member may not shoot and must directly supervise said guest. At no time will a member leave his or her guest unattended in the range. A member is responsible for the actions of their guests while visiting the facility.

By entering the facility, a guest is acknowledging and agreeing with the terms and conditions of using the facility as well as the liability waiver. All guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult member at all times. Hours for minors are between 8am and 9pm.

WSC reserves the right to limit the number of times any person is permitted to use the range as a guest and to limit how many guests a member may bring to the facility.

The locker room area is restricted to members who have rented a locker. Guests and others are not allowed in the locker room.

Any member who rents a locker acknowledges that WSC shall have no responsibility for items contained in the member’s locker. In the event that a member ceases to pay the rental fee for their locker, the contents of the locker may be treated as abandoned property by WSC.

WSC property and surrounding areas may be monitored by video and audio surveillance at any time. Anyone using the facility should keep in mind that their activity may be recorded and reviewed in the normal course of business, or as part of an incident investigation.

Unless otherwise posted, all doors are to remain closed and locked to prevent unauthorized use of WSC property. Doors will sound an alarm and notify police and management if held open.

Only members are permitted on the WSC property. Guests are only permitted when accompanied by a member.  No member may permit access to someone who is not a member or accompanied guest.  Visitors who are not guests of a member must make an appointment with management before being permitted to enter the facility.

Only members are permitted to use their key cards to access the facility. Anyone allowing an unauthorized person to access the facility will have their membership revoked.  All members shall sign in via the biometric card reader at the main entrance. No member is permitted to “tailgate” into the facility through an open door when another member is entering or leaving the facility.

Police, Fire, and other emergency personnel are to be immediately granted access to the property for emergency/security purposes.

Any member may ask any person in the facility to show a membership card and identify themselves. Refusal to comply or identify one’s self or one’s guest may result in termination of membership. Management should be notified immediately of any unauthorized persons in the facility.

Any member wishing to teach a firearms course using the WSC facilities must first obtain permission from the Executive Committee. Permission is granted at the discretion of the Executive Committee and may be withheld for any reason. If permission is granted, the minimum requirements will be:
Placing a copy of the instructor’s credentials on file with WSC
An outline of the course(s) to be taught
A liability waiver signed by the instructor
A liability waiver signed by each student/participant

WSC reserves the right to charge instructors a fee for use of the facility.

Eating, drinking and smoking are not permitted on the range.
After shooting, be sure to wash your hands and face with cold, soapy water prior to eating or drinking.
Wash range clothing separate from other clothing to minimize lead exposure to family members.
Remove shoes used on the range prior to walking into your home to reduce lead on carpets and flooring.

WSC is founded in the spirit of camaraderie and mutual respect. Any disrespectful, aggressive, hostile, or threatening behavior directed at a member, guest, or employee will not be tolerated at the club or while conducting club business.

Any violations of club rules or procedures by a member or their guest will subject the member to sanctions, ranging from a warning to membership suspension or termination as determined after review by Management.

Any member using the grill or kitchen area is responsible for ensuring its cleanliness at the conclusion of use. All pots, glasses, utensils, etc. should be cleaned and put away.

Weston Shooters Club is open 365 days a year. With their access card and fingerprint, members have 24-hour access to the facility.

The range and/or lounge may be closed to general membership use for maintenance, training, and special events. Advanced notice of closures will be posted on the WSC website calendar when practicable.

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