Weston Shooters 2023 club competition
Friendly speed plate shooting competition
Entrance fee: $20.00
Distance: 10 yards down range
Plates: Five 8-inch green plates
Speed: Timed shooting (Best of 3 attempts)
Caliber: 9mm only
Sights: Iron or optics (Shooter’s choice)
1. Plates to be set all the way down against the backstop
2. A table will be placed in the range 10 yards back from the plates.
3. One shooter at a time will load their firearm at the table and go to a low ready position
4. At the beep of the timer the shooter will fire as fast as he/she can, reloading if necessary to knock down the 5 plates
5. Each shooter will have a chance to shoot 3 times total for their best score.
Depending on the number of participants the total money raised will be divided into 1st and 2nd place winners
For questions about the competition, please contact Chief Range Officer Ralph Bibbo: at rbibbo@westonshootersclub.com.
This event is fully booked.