Construction Completion Date

As many of you know, the construction process hasn’t gone as we would have hoped it would, and we have now missed two opening deadlines. We really appreciate your continued support as we work towards opening, and we want to make sure that we provide you with good information. With that in mind, we had a meeting this week with the landlord, our construction company, and the club ownership. Coming out of that meeting, our “drop dead” date is now set for September 30. This is a date that all in the room felt was safe and would not be missed. It also leaves us some time for contingencies and further delays. We anticipate construction will be complete before that date, but we really don’t want to disappoint you by having to move the date out again.

We are sorry that this has taken longer than anticipated. If you have pre-paid for membership, we just sent you a direct email with additional details and an extra “thank you” for your patience and support.

In the meantime, we will continue to place updates on the website and on Facebook. We will let you know about opening date events and orientation days as soon as we are able to schedule them.

If you have any concerns or questions, please give me a call and we’d be happy to discuss them with you.

On behalf of club ownership – thank you! We all look forward to seeing you at the club soon.